Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Review| Why Do Women Crave More Sex in the Summer?, by Patricia Barnes-Svarney

Full Title: Why Why Do Women Crave More Sex in the Summer?: 112 Questions That Women Keep Asking- and That Keep Everyone Else Guessing
Author: Patricia Barnes-Svarney
Genre: Nonfiction/Women’s Health
Publisher: New American Library (Penguin Group)
Publication Date: June 5, 2012
My Copy: Advance uncorrected proof via Goodreads First Reads Giveaway

With such an intriguing title, there was no way I could pass up entering the Goodreads giveaway. And I’m so glad I won!

This is a women’s health book, loaded with information about the fairer sex. It’s in a Q&A format, with each question being answered in great detail. There are ten chapters total, nine are themed and the last one is of miscellaneous questions. Following this is the appendix, source citations, and resources for further reading. There are also "Them and Us" segments scattered throughout that more closely compare men and women.

Instantly, you can see that this book is incredibly well researched. The author backs up each answer with studies and the prevailing theories. But this doesn’t mean the book is boring. It certainly doesn’t read like a textbook. Barnes-Svarney make the information interesting and easy to understand. Also, she’s funny. There are jokes and funny remarks throughout that make the book more enjoyable.

As for the questions themselves, they are very interesting. Some are things people often wonder about. Others, people just assume they know the answer already. But what we think we know by way of wives tales are dismissed, replaced by facts. Even if you know the general answer to a question already, as was the case for me with some, there is still more to learn because of the depth of the answers. Plus, it nice to be able to give sources when someone says "prove it" to you.

Overall, this book is well written and makes learning about health fun. It is both informative and insightful. I’d recommend it to any woman interested in learning more about how her mind and body works. I’d even recommend it to men who want to understand the opposite sex better.

Buy it here!

See the review on:Goodreads | Shelfari


  1. Sounds like an interesting book. I am following via bookblogs via GFC. Would love a visit and follow back at

    Look forward to reading more.

    1. It is. I definitely recommend it.

      Thanks! I'm following you too now.
